
Click the links below for references on:

“The true title of every book ever written is ‘how to be more like me’


What is emotional processing?
Emotional processing & psychological therapy
 Measuring emotional processing
Emotional processing & psychological disorder
Emotional processing & panic attacks
Emotional processing & physical health
Emotional processing & gender
Emotional processing & forgiveness
Tears – nature’s emotional processing?
Emotional processing & older people
Scientific conundrums


What is emotional processing?

Possible mechanisms
Emotional processing model
Perspectives from philosophy
General references on ‘What is emotional processing?



Rachman, S. (1980). Emotional processing, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 18, 51-60.

Rachman, S. (2001).  Emotional processing, with special reference to post-traumatic stress disorder. International Review of Psychiatry, 13, 164-171.


Possible mechanisms

Brewin, C.R., Dalgleish T. & Joseph S (1996)  A dual representation theory of post traumatic stress disorder.  Psychological Review 103 670-686

Brewin, C.R. & Holmes E.A. (2003)  Psychological theories of post traumatic stress disorder.  Clinical Psychology Review 23, 339-376

Bucci, W. (1997) Symptoms and symbols: A multiple code theory of somatization.  Psychoanalytic Inquiry 17, (2), 151-172

Epstein, S. (1994)  Integration of the cognitive and the psychodynamic unconscious.  American Psychologist 49, (8), 709-724

Foa, E.B. & Kozak, M.J. (1986)  Emotional processing of fear: Exposure to corrective information.  Pschological Bulletin 99, (1), 20-35

Gidron, Y., Duncan, E., Lazar A., Biderman A., Tandeter H., Shvartzman P. (2002)  Effects of guided written disclosure of stressful experiences on clinic visits and symptoms in frequent clinic attenders.  Family Practice 19, (2), 161-165

Greenberg, L.S. & Safran J.D. (1987) Emotion in Psychotherapy, London: The Guildford Press

Horowitz, M.J. (1979) Psychological response to serious life events in V. Hamilton & D.M. Warberton (Eds) Human stress and cognition.  New York: Wiley

Horowitz, M.J. (1986) Stress response syndrome (2nd ed) Northvale, NJ

Horowitz, M.J., Markman H.C., Stinson C.H., Fridhandler B. & Ghannam J.H. (1990) A classification theory of defences in J.L. Singer (Ed) Repression and dissociation: implications for personality theory, Psychopathology & Health, Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Lang, P.J. (1977) Imagery in therapy.  An information processing analysis of fear.  Behaviour Therapy, 8, 862-886

Lang, P.J. (1979) An bio-informational theory of emotional imagery.  Psychophysiology

Lang, P.J. (1985) The cognitive psychophysiology of emotion: fear and anxiety.  In A.H. Tuma & J. Maser (Eds) Anxiety and the anxiety disorders (pp 131-170) Hillsdale, N.J: Erlbaum

LeDoux, J.E. (1993) Emotional memory system in the brain.  Behavioural Brain Research, 58, 69-79

LeDoux, J. (1998) The emotional brain.  New York, Touchstone

Leventhal, H. (1979) A perceptual motor processing model of emotion.  In P. Pliner, K. Blanenstein & I.M. Spiegel (Eds) Perception of emotion in self and others, Vol 5, New York, Plenum Press

Samoilov, A. & Goldfried, M.R. (2000).  Role of emotion in cognitive-behaviour therapy.  Clinical Psychology, Science and Practice, 7 (4), 373-383

Teasdale, J.D. (1999) Emotional processing, three modes of mind and the prevention of relapse of depression.  Behaviour Research & Therapy, 37, S37-S77

Emotional processing model

Baker, R. (2001) An emotional processing model for counselling and psychotherapy: a way forward?  Counselling in Practice 7(1), 8-11

Baker, R., Thomas, S., Thomas, P., Holloway, J., Horne, S. & Lothian, S. (2002) Development of a new emotional processing scale for use in physical and psychological health.  July 2003, 12th Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions, Cuenca, Spain

Baker, R., Thomas, S., Thomas, P., Holloway, J., Horne, S. & Lothian, S. (2002) Development of a new emotional processing scale for use in physical and psychological health. September 2003, 3rd International Conference on the (Non) Expression of Emotions in Health & Disease, Tilburg University, Netherlands

Baker R., Thomas S., Thomas P., Owens M., (2007) Development of an Emotional Processing Scale.  Psychomatic Research 62:/67-178

Baker R, Thomas s, Thomas P, Gower P, Santonastaso M, Whittlesea A (2010) The emotional processing: scale refinement and abridgement (EPS-25).  Psychosomatic Research, 68,83-88

Holloway J., Owens M., Baker R. (2002, updated 2003, 2004)  Information Booklet: Emotional Processing Research.  Unpublished document, Dorset Research & Development Support Unit, Poole Hospital, Dorset


Perspectives from philosophy

Aristotle on the art of poetry (1920)  Translated by Ingram Bywater, Oxford: Clarendon

Brener, C. (1957) the nature and development of the concept of repression on Frued’s writings.  Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 12, 19-46

Descartes, R. (1901) Meditations on First Philosophy.  Translated by John Veitch.  The Classical Library ‘’.
Retrieved 20.08.03

Freud, S. (1915). Repression. Collected Papers IV. Zeitshrift, Vol III.

Freud, S. (1984) Functional somatic symptoms and hypochondriasis: a survey of controlled studies.  Archives of General Psychiatry, 32, 1021-1028

Heidegger, M. (1927) Being and time.  J. Macquarrie & E. Robinson, trans. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1962

Hume, D. (1739) A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects.  3 volumes; volumes 1 and 2, London, John Noon, 1739; volume 3, London, Thomas Longman, 1740

Laing, R.D. (1959) The Divided Self.  London: Tavistock

Nietzsche, F. (1889) Thus Spake Zarathustra.  London: Unwin

Politics by Aristotle.  Translated by Benjamin Jowett.  Constitution Society ‘’.  Retrieved 20.08.03

Priest, S. (Ed) (2000) Jean-Paul Sartre: Basic Writings.  London: Routledge

The Republic by Plato.  Translated by Benjamin Jowett.  The Internet Classics Archive ‘’.  Retrieved 20.08.03


General references on what is emotional processing?

Aldwin, C.M., Levenson, M.R., Spiro III, A., Bosse, R. (1989).  Does Emotionality Predict Stress? Findings from the Normative Aging Study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56(4): 618-624.

Allender, J. and Kaszniak, A.W. (1989).  Processing of Emotional Cues in Patients with Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type.  International Journal of Neuroscience, 46: 147-155.

Anderson, A.K., Phelps, E.A (2000).  Expression without recognition.  Contributions of the human amygdala to emotional communication.  Psychological Science, 11(2): 106-111.

Barrett, L.F. et al. (2001). Knowing what you’re feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation. Cognition and Emotion. 25(6), 713-724.

Berridge, K.C. & Winkielman, P. (2003). What is an unconscious emotion? (the case for unconscious “liking”). Cognition and emotion. 17(2), 181-211.

Bonanno, G.A., & Field, N.P.  (2001). Examining the delayed grief hypothesis across 5 years of bereavement.  American Behavioral Scientist, 44(5), 798-816.

Bucci, W. (1982). The vocalisation of painful affect. Journal of communication disorders. 15, 415-440.

Bucci, W. (1998). Transformation of Meanings in the Analytic Discourse: A Strategy for Research. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis. 6(2), 233-60.

Carver, C.S.(1989). Assessing Coping Strategies: Theoretically Based Approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol.56 (2), 267-283.

Dawkins, K. and Furnham, A. (1989).  The colour naming of emotional words.  British Journal of Psychology, 80, 383-389.

Dodd, M. and Bucci, W. (1987). The relationship of cognition and affect in the orientation process. Cognition. 27, 37-71.

Dolan, R.J. (2002). Emotion, Cognition, and Behaviour. Science’s Compass. Vol 298, 1191-1193.

Epstein, S. (1973). The Self-Concept Revisited: Or a Theory of a Theory. American Psychologist. May 1973. 404-416

Epstein, S. (1994).  Integration of the Cognitive and Psychodynamic Unconscious.  American Psychologist, 49 (8), 709-724.

Epstein, S., Pacini, R., Denes-Raj, V., and Heier, H. (1996).  Individual Differences in Intuitive-Experiential and Analytical-Rational Thinking Styles.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71(2): 390-405.

Flett, G.L., Blankstein, K.R., Bator, C. and Pliner, P. (1989).  Affect Intensity and Self-Control of Emotional Behaviour, 10(1): 1-5.

Foa, E.B., & Kozak, M.J. (1986).  Emotional processing of fear: exposure to corrective information.  Psychological Bulletin, 99, 20-35.

Frijda, N.H. (1988) The laws of emotion.  American Psychologist 43, 349-358

Gable,S.L. et al. (2000). Behavioural Activation and Inhibition in Everyday Life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 78, 1135-1149.

Gross, J.J. & Levenson, R.W. (1997). Hiding Feelings: The acute effects of inhibiting negative and positive emotion. Journal of abnormal psychology. 106(1), 95-103.

Heller, W. et al (1997) Neuropsychological correlates of arousal in self-reported emotion.  Cognition and Emotion 11(4), 383-402

Horowitz, M.J. (1993). Topics and Signs: Defensive Control of Emotional Expression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 61(3), 421-430.

Izard et al (2001).  Emotion knowledge as a predictor of social behaviour and academic competence in children at risk.  Psychological Science, 12, 18-23.

Leventhal, H. (1982) The integration of emotion and cognition: a view from the perceptual-motor theory of emotion.  In M.S. Clarke & S.T. Fiske (Eds) Affect and cognition, Hillsdale, NJ, Eribaum

Leventhal, H. (1984) A perceptual motor theory of emotion.  In L. Berkowitz (Ed) Advances in experimental social sychology, Vol 17, New York, Academic Press

Lynch, T.R. et al. (2001). A mediational model relating affect intensity, emotion inhibition, and psychological distress. Behaviour therapy. 32(3), 519-536.

Mayer, J.D., & Geher, G. (1996).  Emotional intelligence and the identification of emotion.  Intelligence, 22, 89-113.

Mayne, T.J. & Bonanno G.A. (2001) Emotions: current issues and future directions.  The Guildford Press, London

Nelson, L.D., and Cicchetti, D.V. (1995).  Assessment of Emotional Functioning in Brain-Impaired Individuals.  Psychological Assessment, 7(3): 404-413.

Pally, R. (1998).  Emotional processing: The mind-body connection.  International Journal of PsychoAnalysis, 79(2): 349-362.

Pennebaker, J.W., Mayne, T.J & Francis, M.E. (1997).  Linguistic predictors of adaptive bereavement.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72: 864-871.

Rachman, S. (1980).  Emotional Processing.  Behaviour Research and Therapy, 18, 51-60

Rachman, S. (2001). Emotional processing, with special reference to post-traumatic stress disorder. International Review of Psychiatry. 13, 164-171

Reddy, W.M. (2001) The navigation of feeling.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Russell, B. (1991) History of Western Philosophy.  London: Routledge

Roberts, W.L. (1999).  The socialization of emotional expression: Relations with prosocial behaviour and competence in five samples.  Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 31(2): 72-85.

Russell, J.A. (2003) Core affect and the physiological construction of emotion.  Psychological Review 110(1), 145-172

Scherer, R.R. (1993) Neuroscience projections to current debates in emotion psychology.  Cognition and emotion 7(1), 1-41

Soloman, R.C. (1993) The Philosophy of Emotions.  In Handbook of Emotions.  Edited by Michael Lewis and Jeannette M. Haviland.  P3-15, New York: The Guildford Press

Sorabji, R. (2000) Emotion and Peace of Mind: From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T.A. (1995).  The Measurement and Conceptualization of Mood Awareness: Monitoring and Labeling One’s Mood States.  Personality & Social Psychology, 21(9), 934-949.

Teasdale, J.D. (1999).  Emotional processing, three modes of mind and the  prevention of relapse in depression.  Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37 (Suppl 1): S53-S77.

Perspectives from philosophy

Aristotle on the art of poetry (1920)  Translated by Ingram Bywater, Oxford: Clarendon

Brener, C. (1957) the nature and development of the concept of repression on Frued’s writings.  Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 12, 19-46

Descartes, R. (1901) Meditations on First Philosophy.  Translated by John Veitch.  The Classical Library ‘’.
Retrieved 20.08.03

Freud, S. (1915). Repression. Collected Papers IV. Zeitshrift, Vol III.

Freud, S. (1984) Functional somatic symptoms and hypochondriasis: a survey of controlled studies.  Archives of General Psychiatry, 32, 1021-1028

Heidegger, M. (1927) Being and time.  J. Macquarrie & E. Robinson, trans. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1962

Hume, D. (1739) A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects.  3 volumes; volumes 1 and 2, London, John Noon, 1739; volume 3, London, Thomas Longman, 1740

Laing, R.D. (1959) The Divided Self.  London: Tavistock

Nietzsche, F. (1889) Thus Spake Zarathustra.  London: Unwin

Politics by Aristotle.  Translated by Benjamin Jowett.  Constitution Society ‘’.  Retrieved 20.08.03

Priest, S. (Ed) (2000) Jean-Paul Sartre: Basic Writings.  London: Routledge

The Republic by Plato.  Translated by Benjamin Jowett.  The Internet Classics Archive ‘’.  Retrieved 20.08.03


General references on what is emotional processing?

Aldwin, C.M., Levenson, M.R., Spiro III, A., Bosse, R. (1989).  Does Emotionality Predict Stress? Findings from the Normative Aging Study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56(4): 618-624.

Allender, J. and Kaszniak, A.W. (1989).  Processing of Emotional Cues in Patients with Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type.  International Journal of Neuroscience, 46: 147-155.

Anderson, A.K., Phelps, E.A (2000).  Expression without recognition.  Contributions of the human amygdala to emotional communication.  Psychological Science, 11(2): 106-111.

Barrett, L.F. et al. (2001). Knowing what you’re feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation. Cognition and Emotion. 25(6), 713-724.

Berridge, K.C. & Winkielman, P. (2003). What is an unconscious emotion? (the case for unconscious “liking”). Cognition and emotion. 17(2), 181-211.

Bonanno, G.A., & Field, N.P.  (2001). Examining the delayed grief hypothesis across 5 years of bereavement.  American Behavioral Scientist, 44(5), 798-816.

Bucci, W. (1982). The vocalisation of painful affect. Journal of communication disorders. 15, 415-440.

Bucci, W. (1998). Transformation of Meanings in the Analytic Discourse: A Strategy for Research. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis. 6(2), 233-60.

Carver, C.S.(1989). Assessing Coping Strategies: Theoretically Based Approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol.56 (2), 267-283.

Dawkins, K. and Furnham, A. (1989).  The colour naming of emotional words.  British Journal of Psychology, 80, 383-389.

Dodd, M. and Bucci, W. (1987). The relationship of cognition and affect in the orientation process. Cognition. 27, 37-71.

Dolan, R.J. (2002). Emotion, Cognition, and Behaviour. Science’s Compass. Vol 298, 1191-1193.

Epstein, S. (1973). The Self-Concept Revisited: Or a Theory of a Theory. American Psychologist. May 1973. 404-416

Epstein, S. (1994).  Integration of the Cognitive and Psychodynamic Unconscious.  American Psychologist, 49 (8), 709-724.

Epstein, S., Pacini, R., Denes-Raj, V., and Heier, H. (1996).  Individual Differences in Intuitive-Experiential and Analytical-Rational Thinking Styles.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71(2): 390-405.

Flett, G.L., Blankstein, K.R., Bator, C. and Pliner, P. (1989).  Affect Intensity and Self-Control of Emotional Behaviour, 10(1): 1-5.

Foa, E.B., & Kozak, M.J. (1986).  Emotional processing of fear: exposure to corrective information.  Psychological Bulletin, 99, 20-35.

Frijda, N.H. (1988) The laws of emotion.  American Psychologist 43, 349-358

Gable,S.L. et al. (2000). Behavioural Activation and Inhibition in Everyday Life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 78, 1135-1149.

Gross, J.J. & Levenson, R.W. (1997). Hiding Feelings: The acute effects of inhibiting negative and positive emotion. Journal of abnormal psychology. 106(1), 95-103.

Heller, W. et al (1997) Neuropsychological correlates of arousal in self-reported emotion.  Cognition and Emotion 11(4), 383-402

Horowitz, M.J. (1993). Topics and Signs: Defensive Control of Emotional Expression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 61(3), 421-430.

Izard et al (2001).  Emotion knowledge as a predictor of social behaviour and academic competence in children at risk.  Psychological Science, 12, 18-23.

Leventhal, H. (1982) The integration of emotion and cognition: a view from the perceptual-motor theory of emotion.  In M.S. Clarke & S.T. Fiske (Eds) Affect and cognition, Hillsdale, NJ, Eribaum

Leventhal, H. (1984) A perceptual motor theory of emotion.  In L. Berkowitz (Ed) Advances in experimental social sychology, Vol 17, New York, Academic Press

Lynch, T.R. et al. (2001). A mediational model relating affect intensity, emotion inhibition, and psychological distress. Behaviour therapy. 32(3), 519-536.

Mayer, J.D., & Geher, G. (1996).  Emotional intelligence and the identification of emotion.  Intelligence, 22, 89-113.

Mayne, T.J. & Bonanno G.A. (2001) Emotions: current issues and future directions.  The Guildford Press, London

Nelson, L.D., and Cicchetti, D.V. (1995).  Assessment of Emotional Functioning in Brain-Impaired Individuals.  Psychological Assessment, 7(3): 404-413.

Pally, R. (1998).  Emotional processing: The mind-body connection.  International Journal of PsychoAnalysis, 79(2): 349-362.

Pennebaker, J.W., Mayne, T.J & Francis, M.E. (1997).  Linguistic predictors of adaptive bereavement.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72: 864-871.

Rachman, S. (1980).  Emotional Processing.  Behaviour Research and Therapy, 18, 51-60

Rachman, S. (2001). Emotional processing, with special reference to post-traumatic stress disorder. International Review of Psychiatry. 13, 164-171

Reddy, W.M. (2001) The navigation of feeling.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Russell, B. (1991) History of Western Philosophy.  London: Routledge

Roberts, W.L. (1999).  The socialization of emotional expression: Relations with prosocial behaviour and competence in five samples.  Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 31(2): 72-85.

Russell, J.A. (2003) Core affect and the physiological construction of emotion.  Psychological Review 110(1), 145-172

Scherer, R.R. (1993) Neuroscience projections to current debates in emotion psychology.  Cognition and emotion 7(1), 1-41

Soloman, R.C. (1993) The Philosophy of Emotions.  In Handbook of Emotions.  Edited by Michael Lewis and Jeannette M. Haviland.  P3-15, New York: The Guildford Press

Sorabji, R. (2000) Emotion and Peace of Mind: From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T.A. (1995).  The Measurement and Conceptualization of Mood Awareness: Monitoring and Labeling One’s Mood States.  Personality & Social Psychology, 21(9), 934-949.

Teasdale, J.D. (1999).  Emotional processing, three modes of mind and the  prevention of relapse in depression.  Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37 (Suppl 1): S53-S77.

General references on what is emotional processing?

Aldwin, C.M., Levenson, M.R., Spiro III, A., Bosse, R. (1989). Does Emotionality Predict Stress? Findings from the Normative Aging Study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56(4): 618-624.

Allender, J. and Kaszniak, A.W. (1989). Processing of Emotional Cues in Patients with Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type. International Journal of Neuroscience, 46: 147-155.

Anderson, A.K., Phelps, E.A (2000). Expression without recognition. Contributions of the human amygdala to emotional communication. Psychological Science, 11(2): 106-111.

Barrett, L.F. et al. (2001). Knowing what you’re feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation. Cognition and Emotion. 25(6), 713-724.

Berridge, K.C. & Winkielman, P. (2003). What is an unconscious emotion? (the case for unconscious “liking”). Cognition and emotion. 17(2), 181-211.

Bonanno, G.A., & Field, N.P. (2001). Examining the delayed grief hypothesis across 5 years of bereavement. American Behavioral Scientist, 44(5), 798-816.

Bucci, W. (1982). The vocalisation of painful affect. Journal of communication disorders. 15, 415-440.

Bucci, W. (1998). Transformation of Meanings in the Analytic Discourse: A Strategy for Research. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis. 6(2), 233-60.

Carver, C.S.(1989). Assessing Coping Strategies: Theoretically Based Approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol.56 (2), 267-283.

Dawkins, K. and Furnham, A. (1989). The colour naming of emotional words. British Journal of Psychology, 80, 383-389.

Dodd, M. and Bucci, W. (1987). The relationship of cognition and affect in the orientation process. Cognition. 27, 37-71.

Dolan, R.J. (2002). Emotion, Cognition, and Behaviour. Science’s Compass. Vol 298, 1191-1193.

Epstein, S. (1973). The Self-Concept Revisited: Or a Theory of a Theory. American Psychologist. May 1973. 404-416

Epstein, S. (1994). Integration of the Cognitive and Psychodynamic Unconscious. American Psychologist, 49 (8), 709-724.

Epstein, S., Pacini, R., Denes-Raj, V., and Heier, H. (1996). Individual Differences in Intuitive-Experiential and Analytical-Rational Thinking Styles. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71(2): 390-405.

Flett, G.L., Blankstein, K.R., Bator, C. and Pliner, P. (1989). Affect Intensity and Self-Control of Emotional Behaviour, 10(1): 1-5.

Foa, E.B., & Kozak, M.J. (1986). Emotional processing of fear: exposure to corrective information. Psychological Bulletin, 99, 20-35.

Frijda, N.H. (1988) The laws of emotion. American Psychologist 43, 349-358

Gable,S.L. et al. (2000). Behavioural Activation and Inhibition in Everyday Life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 78, 1135-1149.

Gross, J.J. & Levenson, R.W. (1997). Hiding Feelings: The acute effects of inhibiting negative and positive emotion. Journal of abnormal psychology. 106(1), 95-103.

Heller, W. et al (1997) Neuropsychological correlates of arousal in self-reported emotion. Cognition and Emotion 11(4), 383-402

Horowitz, M.J. (1993). Topics and Signs: Defensive Control of Emotional Expression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 61(3), 421-430.

Izard et al (2001). Emotion knowledge as a predictor of social behaviour and academic competence in children at risk. Psychological Science, 12, 18-23.

Leventhal, H. (1982) The integration of emotion and cognition: a view from the perceptual-motor theory of emotion. In M.S. Clarke & S.T. Fiske (Eds) Affect and cognition, Hillsdale, NJ, Eribaum

Leventhal, H. (1984) A perceptual motor theory of emotion. In L. Berkowitz (Ed) Advances in experimental social sychology, Vol 17, New York, Academic Press

Lynch, T.R. et al. (2001). A mediational model relating affect intensity, emotion inhibition, and psychological distress. Behaviour therapy. 32(3), 519-536.

Mayer, J.D., & Geher, G. (1996). Emotional intelligence and the identification of emotion. Intelligence, 22, 89-113.

Mayne, T.J. & Bonanno G.A. (2001) Emotions: current issues and future directions. The Guildford Press, London

Nelson, L.D., and Cicchetti, D.V. (1995). Assessment of Emotional Functioning in Brain-Impaired Individuals. Psychological Assessment, 7(3): 404-413.

Pally, R. (1998). Emotional processing: The mind-body connection. International Journal of PsychoAnalysis, 79(2): 349-362.

Pennebaker, J.W., Mayne, T.J & Francis, M.E. (1997). Linguistic predictors of adaptive bereavement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72: 864-871.

Rachman, S. (1980). Emotional Processing. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 18, 51-60

Rachman, S. (2001). Emotional processing, with special reference to post-traumatic stress disorder. International Review of Psychiatry. 13, 164-171

Reddy, W.M. (2001) The navigation of feeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Russell, B. (1991) History of Western Philosophy. London: Routledge

Roberts, W.L. (1999). The socialization of emotional expression: Relations with prosocial behaviour and competence in five samples. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 31(2): 72-85.

Russell, J.A. (2003) Core affect and the physiological construction of emotion. Psychological Review 110(1), 145-172

Scherer, R.R. (1993) Neuroscience projections to current debates in emotion psychology. Cognition and emotion 7(1), 1-41

Soloman, R.C. (1993) The Philosophy of Emotions. In Handbook of Emotions. Edited by Michael Lewis and Jeannette M. Haviland. P3-15, New York: The Guildford Press

Sorabji, R. (2000) Emotion and Peace of Mind: From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T.A. (1995). The Measurement and Conceptualization of Mood Awareness: Monitoring and Labeling One’s Mood States. Personality & Social Psychology, 21(9), 934-949.

Teasdale, J.D. (1999). Emotional processing, three modes of mind and the prevention of relapse in depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37 (Suppl 1): S53-S77.

Emotional processing and psychological therapy

Catharsis, venting and the talking cure
Core components for an emotional processing therapy
Is behaviour therapy really emotion therapy in disguise?
Is it possible to bottle up emotions?

General references on emotional processing and psychological therapy

Borod,J.C., Welowitz, J., Alpert, M., Brozgold, A.Z., Bartin, C., Paselow, E. & Dillier, L. (1990). Parameters of emotional processing in neuropsychiatric disorders: Conceptual issues and a battery of tests. Journal of communication disorders, Special Issue: Faces, voices and feelings: Experimental techniques and clinical implications,. 23, 247-271.

Bozarth, J. & Brodley, B. (1991) Actualisation: A functional concept in client-centred therapy.  Handbook of Self-Actualisation, Vol 6(5), 45-60

Cain, D. & Seeman, J. (2001) Handbook of research and practice in humanistic psychotherapies.  Washington DC: APA Publications

Derogatis, L. and Melisaratos, N. (1983). The Brief Symptom Inventory: an Introductory Report. Psychological Medicine. 13, 595-605.

Elliott, R., Greenberg, L.S. & Lietaer, G. (2003)  Research on experiential therapies.  In M.J. Lambert (Ed) Bergin & Garfield’s Handbook of psychotherapy and behaviour change (5th ed, pp 493-539)

Ellis, J.A. & D’Eon, J. L. (2002). Pain, emotion, and the situational specificity of catastrophising. Cognition and emotion. 16(4), 519-532.

Greenberg, L.S. & Rice, L.N. (1981) the specific effects of a Gestalt intervention.  Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice 18, 31-37

Greenberg, L.S. & Safran, J.D. (1989) Emotion in psychotherapy.  American Psychologist, 44, 19-29

Greenberg, L.D. & Watson, J. (1998) Experiential therapy of depression: Differential effects of client centred relationship conditions and active experiential interventions.  Psychotherapy Research, 8, 210-224

Herpertz, S.C., Sass H. (2000).  Emotional deficiency and psychopathy.  Behavioral Sciences and the Law.  18(5): 567-580.

Jenkins, J. & Oatley, K. (2000). Psychopathology and short term emotion: the balance of affects. Journal of child psychiatry. 41(4), 463-472.

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Measuring emotional processing

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Emotional processing and psychological disorders

General references

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Emotional processing and physical health

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Emotional processing & forgiveness

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Purposeless or adaptive?

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Is crying good for you?

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Tears and the processing of emotional hurt

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When tears fail

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Chronic pain and emotional processing

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Time heals … or does it?

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Scientific conundrums

Does the concept of emotional processing commit the fallacy of tautology?
Not another concept of processing!
Theory of the not
General references on scientific conundrums

Rachman, S. (1980). Emotional Processing. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 18, 51 – 60. 

Scheff, T. (1984) The taboo on coarse emotions.  Review of Personality and social Psychology, 5, 146-169


Does the concept of emotional processing commit the fallacy of tautology?

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Not another concept of processing!

Baker, R., Holloway, J., Thomas, P. W., Thomas, S. & Owens, M. (In Press). Emotional processing and panic. Behaviour Research and Therapy.

Bucci, W. (1997). Symptoms and symbols: A multiple code theory of somatization. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 17(2), 151-172.

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Foa, E. B. & Kozak, M. J. (1986). Emotional processing of fear: Exposure to corrective information. Psychological Bulletin, 99, 20-35.

Gendlin, (1966). (possibly check with Roger, whether it’s supposed to be 1996…)  If so: Gendlin, E. T. (1996). The use of focusing in therapy. In J. K. Zeig (Ed.) The evolution of psychotherapy. New York: Brunner / Mazel.

Greenberg & Paivio, (1977). (possibly check with Roger, whether it’s 1997?) If so: Greenberg L. & Paivio, S. (1997). Working with emotions in psychotherapy. New York: The Guilford Press

LeDoux, J. E. (1993). Emotional memory system in the brain. Behavioural Brain Research, 58, 69-79.

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Pennebaker, J. W. & Seagal, J. D. (1999). Forming a story: The health benefits of narrative. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(10), 1243-1254.


Theory of the not

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Welton, W.J. (2004) Emotional processes in psychotherapy; evidence across therapeutic modalities.  Clinical Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, 11, 58-71


Bagby, R.M., Taylor, G.J., Atkinson, L. (1988). A comparative study of three self-report measures. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 32, 107 – 116.

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Bagby, R.M., Taylor, G.J., Ryan, D. (1986). The measurement of alexithymia: Psychometric Properties of the Schalling-Sifneos personality scale. Journal of Comprehensive Psychiatry, 27, 287 – 294.

Baker, R., Holloway, J., Thomas, P. W., Thomas, S. & Owens, M. (2004) Emotional processing and panic. Behaviour Research and Therapy. Vol 42, 11, 1271-1287

Brautigam, W., & von Rad, M. (Eds). (1977). Proceedings of the 11th European Psychosomatic Research Conference: Toward a theory of psychosomatic disorders. Basel, Switzerland: Karger.

Cox, B.J., Kuch, K., Parker, J.D.A., Shulman, I.D., Evans, R.J. (1994). Alexithymia in somatoform disorder patients with chronic pain. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 38, 523 – 527.

De Groot, J.M., Rodin, G., Olmstead, M.P. (1995). Alexithymia, depression, and treatment outcome in bulimia nervosa, Comprehensive Psychiatry, 34, 53 – 60.

Faryna, A., Rodenhauser, P., Torem, M. (1986). Development of an analog alexithymia scale. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 45, 201 – 206.

Good, P., & Brantner, J. A (1974) Practical guide to the MMPI. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis

Kleiger, J., & Jones, N. (1979). Characteristics of alexithymic patients in a chronic respiratory illness population. Report no. 67, Psychophysiology Research Laboratories, National Jewish Hospital and Research Center, Denver, 1979.

Kleiger, J.H., Kinsman, R.A. (1980). The development of an MPPI alexithymia scale. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 34, 17 – 24.

Lolas, F., De La Parra, G., Arohnson, S., Colin, C. (1980). On the measurement of alexithymic behaviour. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 33, 139 – 146.

Parker, J.D.A., Taylor, G.J., Bagby, R.M. (1991). Problems with measuring alexithymia. Psychosomatics, 32(2), 196 – 202.

Porcelli, P., Zaka, S., Leoci, C., Centonze, S., Taylor, G.J., Parker, J.D.A. (1995). Alexithymia in inflammatory bowel disease. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 64, 49 – 53.

Ruesch, J. (1948). The infantile personality. Psychosomatic Medicine, 10, 134 – 144.

Sifneos, P.E. (1972). Short-Term Psychotherapy and Emotional Crisis. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.

Sifneos, P. E. (1973). The prevalence of “alexithymic” characteristics in psychosomatic patients. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 22(2-6), 255-266.

Sifneos, P.E. (1986). The Schalling-Sifneos personality scale revised. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 45, 161 – 165.

Sifneos, P.E. (2000). Alexithymia, Clinical Issues, Politics and Crime. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 69, 113-116.

Taylor, G.J. (2000). Recent developments in alexithymia theory and research. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 45, 134 – 142.

Taylor, G.J., Doddy, K., Newman, A. (1981). Alexithymic characteristics in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 26, 470 – 474

Taylor, G.J., & Bagby, R.M. (1988). Measurement of Alexithymia. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 11(3), 351 – 366.

  1. Taylor, G.J., Bagby, R.M., Parker, J.D.A. (1997).  Disorders of affect regulation: Alexithymia in medical and psychiatric illness.  New York: Cambridge University Press.

Taylor, G.J., Taylor, H.L. (1997). Alexithymia. In Taylor, G.J., Bagby, R.M., Parker, J.D.A. (Eds.) Disorders of affect regulation: alexithymia in medical and psychiatric illness. (pp.77 – 104). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Todarello, O., Taylor, G.J., Parker, J.D.A., Fanelli, M. (1995). Alexithymia in essential hypertensive and psychiatric outpatients: a comparative study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 39, 987 – 994.

Welsh, G., & Dahlstrom, W. (1963) Basic readings on the MMPI in psychology and medicine. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.

Zeitlin, S.B., McNally, R.J. (1993). Alexithymia and anxiety sensitivity in panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 658 – 660.

Further reading on emotional processing and alexithymia

  1. Bach, M., & Bach, D. (1995).  Predictive Value of Alexithymia: A Prospective Study in Somatizing Patients.  Psychother Psychosom, 64, 43-48.

Bagby, R.M., Parker, J.D.A., Taylor, G.J. (1994-I). The twenty-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale-I. Item selection and cross-validation of the factor structure. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 38, 23 – 32.

  1. Bankier, B., Aigner, M., and Bach, M. (2001).  Alexithymia in DSM-IV Disorder.  Comparative Evaluation of Somatoform Disorder, Panic Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Depression.  Pscyosomatics, 42:3, 235-240.
  1. Honkalampi, K., Hintikka, J., Saarinen, P., Lehtonen, J., Viinamaeki, H (2000).  Is alexithymia a permanent feature in depressed patients? Results from a 6 month follow-up study.  Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 69(6): 303-308.
  2. Honkalampi, K., Hintikka, J., Tanskanen, A., Lehtonen, J., and Viinamaki, H. (2000).  Depression is strongly associated with alexithymia in the general population.  Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 48: 99-104.
  3. Honkalampi, K., Saarinen, P., Hintikka, J., Virtanen, V and Viinamaeki, H. (1999).  Factors associated with alexithymia in patients suffering from depression.  Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 68 (5): 270-275
  1. Krystal, H. (1979).  Alexithymia & Psychotherapy.  American Journal of Psychotherapy, 33, 17-31.
  2. Krystal, J.H., Giller, E.L. and Cicchetti, D.V. (1986).  Assessment of Alexithymia In Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Somatic Illness: Introduction of a Reliable Measure.  Psychosomatic Medicine., 48, 84-94.
  1. Lundh, L.G. et al. (2002). Alexithymia, memory of emotion, emotional awareness, and perfectionism. Emotion, 2(4), 361-379.
  2. Marchesi, C., Brusamonti, E. and Maggini, C. (2000).  Are alexithymia, depression and anxiety distinct constructs in affective disorders?  Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 49(1): 43-49.

Marty, P., de Uzan, M., David, C. L’Investigation Psychosomatique. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1963.

Montreuil, M., Jouvent, R., Carton, S., Bungener, C., et-al. (1991). Parallel Visual Information Processing Test: An experimental assessment of alexithymia. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 56(4), 212-219.

Porcelli, P., Taylor, G.J., Parker, J.D.A., De Carne, M. (1999). Alexithymia and functional gastrointestinal disorders: a comparison with inflammatory bowel disease. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 68, 283 – 269.

  1. Roedema, T.M. and Simons, R.F. (1999).  Emotion-processing deficit in alexithymia.  Psychophysiology, 36(3): 379-387.
  1. Schmidt, U., Jiwany, A., & Treasure, J. (1993).  A Controlled Study of Alexithymia in Eating Disorders.  Comprehensive Psychiatry, 34(1), 54-58.

Taylor, G.J., Ryan, D.P., & Bagby, R.M. (1985). Toward the development of a new self-report alexithymia. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 44, 191-199.

  1. Wise, T.N., Mann, L.S. and Sheridan, M.J.  (2000).  Relationship between alexithymia, dissociation and personality in psychiatric outpatients.  Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 69(3): 123-127.

Emotional awareness

Damasio, A. R. (1994). Descartes Error: emotion, reason and the human brain. New York, Putman.

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Lane, R. D. & Schwartz, G. E. (1987). Levels of emotional awareness: A cognitive-developmental theory and its application to psychopathology. American Journal of Psychiatry, 144, 133-143.

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Lane, R. (2000). Neural correlates of conscious emotional experience. In Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion (pp. 345-370). Edited by Lane, R., Nadel, L., Ahern, G., Allen, J., Kasznaik, A., Rapcsak, S. & Scwartz, G. New York: Oxford University Press.

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Perls F.S. (1969)  Hunger and Aggression: a revision of psychoanalysis.  New York.  Random House


Emotional expression

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Emotional focusing

Gendlin, E.T. (1981) Focusing.  Second edition, revised New York, Bantam Books

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Emotional intelligence

Baker, R., Thomas, S., Thomas, P. W. & Owens, M. (submitted). Development and Initial Validation of an Emotional Processing Scale, submitted to Behavioural Research and Therapy.

Bucci, W. (1997). Symptoms and Symbols: A multiple code of theory of somatization. Psychoanalytic Theory, 17(2), 151-172.

Cherniss, C. (2000).  Emotional Intelligence: What it is and Why it Matters. The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations.  Website: ‘’ accessed: 16th January 2004.

Epstein, S. (1998). Emotions and psychopathology from the perspective of cognitive-experiential self therapy. In W. F. Flack & J. D. Lair (Eds) Emotions in psychopathology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of Mind. New York: Basic books.

Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence: What it is and why it can matter more than IQ.

Hein, S. (2003). History and Definition of Emotional Intelligence. Steve Hein’s Emotional Intelligence Home Page.  Website: ‘’ accessed: 20th January 2004.

Mayer, J.D. & Cobb, C.D (2000). Educational Policy on Emotional Intelligence: Does It Make Sense? Educational Psychology Review, 12(2), 163-183.

Mayer, J.D. & Salovey, P. (1993). The intelligence of emotional intelligence. Intelligence, 17, 433-442.

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Emotional processing and childbirth

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Safe Motherhood.

Solomon, RC. (1993). The philosophy of emotion. In M.Lewis & JM. Haviland (eds). Handbook of Emotions (pp 3 – 15). New York: The Guildford Press.

White, G. (2005). Postnatal moods: Emotional changes following childbirth. Auckland: Random House.


General books on emotions

Bosma, H.A., Kunnen, E.S. (2001) Identity and emotion.  Cambridge University Press

Bucci, W. Psychoanalysis and cognitive science: a mutliple code theory.  Guildford Press

Damasio, A.R. (1994) Descartes error; emotion, reason and the human brain.  New York, Putman

Damasio, A.R. (1999) The feeling of what happens; body and emotion in the making of consciousness.  San Diego, Harcourt

Denham, S. (1998) Emotional development in young children.  Guildford Press

Evans, D. (2001) Emotion, the science of sentiment.  Oxford University Press

Flack, W., Laird, J.D. (1988) Emotional in psychopathology.  Oxford University Press

Goleman, D. (1996) Emotional intelligence.  Bloomsbury

Kennedy-Moore E. & Watson, J.C. (1999) Expressing emotion.  New York, Guildford Press

Lazarus, R.S. (1999) Stress and emotion: a new synthesis.  Free Association Books

Ledoux, J. (1999) The emotional brain: the mysterious underpinning of emotional life.  Phoenix

Lutz, T. (1999) Crying: the natural and cultural history of tears.  W W Norton

Mayne, T. & Bonanno, G. (2001) Emotions: current issues and future directions.  Guildford Press

Oatley, K. (1992) Best laid schemes: the psychology of emotions.  Cambridge University Press

Pennebaker, J.W. (1997) Opening Up: the healing power of expressing emotion.  Guildford Press

Reddy, W. (2001) the navigation of feeling: a framework for the history of emotions.  Cambridge University Press

Scherer, K., Schorr, A., Johnstone, T. et al (2001) Appraisal processes in emotion.  Oxford University Press

Taylor, G., Bagby, R.M., Parker, J.D.A. (1997) Disorders of affect regulation: alexithymia in medical and psychiatric illness.  Cambridge University Press

Vingerhoets, A.J. & Cornelius R.R.  Adult crying: a biopsychosocial approach.  Brunner Routledge